Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools (PLATEAU) 2010

PLATEAU 2010 has been accepted at the Onward! Conference 2010 and Splash 2010 in Reno, Nevada, USA.

PLATEAU 2010 aims to be a first step in filling the void between the Programming Languages community and the Human Computer Interaction Community by developing and stimulating discussion of usability and evaluation of programming languages and tools with respect to language design and related areas.

The workshop has two goals:

  • Develop a research community that shares ideas and collaborates on research related to the evaluation and usability of languages and tools
  • Encourage the languages and tools communities to think more critically about how usability affects language and tool design and adoption

I’m on the program committee and I’m looking forward to reading your papers! Submissions are due on August 13, 2010.

This is the workshop website http://ecs.victoria.ac.nz/Events/PLATEAU/WebHome